Call center training and practice, based on real-life situations
The Challange
- Call center training courses are 5-6 weeks long
- A course typically contains 12-15 agents. Agent turnover is more than 30% in the first 3 months of employment, resulting in lost profits and low ROI per agent
- Courses are theoretical and fail to simulate real-life scenarios
- Agents are overloaded with new content and learning new skills
- Agents completing the course are lacking confidence and are unequipped for the job
- Agents require extensive mentoring before they can work independently

How many times have you heard at the end of the course:
“Need to add more hands on simulations”…
“The course was too theoretical and did not simulate real life scenarios”…
“There was such a big difference between the course and ‘real life’ in the call center”…
The Solution
Introducing bExpert
An interactive self-training system based on
actual recorded calls from the call center
- Use recorded calls as a key learning tool for novice and veteran agents
- Agents receive individual feedback in a highly realistic but controlled training environment
- Redesign the course to directly meet the call center objectives
- Shorten the course length while boosting effectiveness by including practice sessions from real-life scenarios
- Dramatically improves agent confidence and performance via immersion into a realistic but controlled training environment
- Provides personalized feedback to each learner
- Enables full control of content and key areas of interest
- Allows easy updating of scenarios, ensuring that content and business objectives remain current over time
- Easily integrates into an organization’s Learning Management System (LMS) to enable training reports per agent, highlighting areas that still require improvement